Hello everyone, I am returning from a weekend of hibernation... feeling a little groggy, but had to post this new piece. I titled it "Three's A Crowd" At the time I had intended on the third wheel to be them bright red boots invading on that sweet little bird's personal space. I think he may have finally found another bird he just may love a little more then himself. BUT, then I seen that daisy... and realized the daisy could easily be considered the third wheel as well. I suppose you can perceive the story however you wish. :)
New Users: February saw 75,458 new users join Etsy, up from 68,013 in January — an 11% increase. In February 2007, 22,392 new users joined — a 236% increase.
Also: SUPER EXCITING NEWS! Theblackapple of etsy is considered the #1 top seller on etsy and JUST appeared on the marth stewart show this morning. She showed Martha how to make her blackapple dolls.... which were really sweet btw. I just wanted to give her a shout out and say congrats. etsy has been getting alot more publicity recently. The founder of etsy, Rob also made an appearance on her show last week. Isnt that great? I was reading the new statistics etsy just released for the month of february... and was SHOCKED.
You gotta read this: Pulled from the storque on etsy: http://www.etsy.com/storque/section/etsyNews/article/etsy-statistics-hot-in-february/1361/
New Items listed: 612,641. In January, there we 575,174 new items listed, so this is a new record and an increase of 7%. In February 2007, 148,422 new items were listed. Wow — 312% more than a year ago!
New Items listed: 612,641. In January, there we 575,174 new items listed, so this is a new record and an increase of 7%. In February 2007, 148,422 new items were listed. Wow — 312% more than a year ago!
New Users: February saw 75,458 new users join Etsy, up from 68,013 in January — an 11% increase. In February 2007, 22,392 new users joined — a 236% increase.
Items Sold: We sold 349,092 items in February, an increase of 11% over January and a whopping 273,043 more than February 2007!
$ Sold: We sold $4.8 million worth of goods in February, 13% over January and $3.8 million more than February 2007.
Page Views: We crossed the 250,000,000 page views mark for the first time in February — 7% more than January.
Those are some BIG numbers, and are very exciting to me. :) February was a short month as well, and I am sure martha will boost march's numbers even more yet. etsy is on fire, and doesnt appear to be planning on cooling off anytime soon....
Well, I have some ACEO's I have promised to appear in the shop. It is bright beautiful, and sunny here. A perfect day to photograph them. I think I will be signing off to get that done. :) Hope everyone has a totally terrific tuesday. Please believe me when I say it has been ages since I have used the word totally. ;)
I like the new print, as I said on Flickr.
I wonder what will happen to Etsy and the "big" sellers once the trendiness of it wears off.
Very cute and nicely done. What medium did you use to make this?
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