Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do you squidoo?

So thank you to nostaligicnugget, I finally made time to sit down and set up my very first lense on squidoo. I think the first time I heard about squidoo was through the etsy forums. It seemed a little overwhelming at the time, and I never did sign up. I needed a gentle nudge and some spare time to get it set-up. There are a few things I would still like to learn how to change. Surely I can make my pictures a little bigger? But all in all it was super easy and very self explanatory. :)

If you have a lense or two set-up please stop by rate me and leave a comment. I promise to return the favor. :) Also, would love to hear any suggestions you may have on how I can make my lens a little better!

On a different note, I had a customer contact me over the weekend. It resulted in a very great idea on her part. She had the idea of these three framed and hung together. Only problem was, the entry was currently only available in orange. I offered to do a custom color change for her at no extra cost. I love the lime colors in this print, and quickly listed it in the store. Thanks so much for the idea Kate!

So this morning I printed the three out, and was amazed at how well the silhouette and the entry worked together. I just may have to introduce them as a new print set into the shop. I am also working on a new companion print to the entry. From the beginning I had planned to do a series with seperate rooms, kind of like clue... the foyer, the library, the kitchen, the billiard room, etc... I have already started on the sketch for the second room in the series. Maybe I can show a sneek peek tomorrow.

Oh- I almost forgot! I also finally listed that batch of ACEO's I had been promising. They are now available and in the shop. One sold last night, if there is one you are eyeing you better snatch it up quick!

BUTTON UPDATE: They are not here yet, but I hope for them to come in today or tomorrow. I will let everyone know just as soon as they arrive on my doorstep.

Well, I am off the computer for now. My hubby is off work for the day, he came home about an hour ago. It was pouring, and not too much fun to work in today. So the crew took a vote, and decided to take the day off. :) Which is fine by me! I am going to cuddle up on the couch, with my clipboard in hand. Maybe I can get a few sketches done today.

Have a great thursday!


JanelleGrace said...

What is a lens? I don't understand this but it is interesting to have something behind the store and to read how it was made.

Shannon said...

Hey beautiful preggers! :D I changed my blog layout but I can't find where it tells me what size the title is. Any suggestions?