Monday, April 21, 2008

Completely unexpected...

After much consideration, I have officially and finally made the move over to typepad...

Hopefully that will be an easier link for me to pass around, and has really been needed since opening the new store in January. I am still getting everything set-up over there, but I am really liking it. I have BIG plans for some new regular postings, and am loving being able to configure categories.

This was something I have thought about doing for awhile now... I unexpectedly signed up today and kind of fell in love. :) So, please follow me on over to typepad.


I am having a hard time feeling like spring is finally here. Our irrigation water has been turned on for a few weeks now, but the weather cannot seem to make up its mind... does it like 80 degrees better or 40 degrees? Today, it hailed for about an hour at the end of april!? Sooo bizarre.

Also, something that has been on my mind today. Why does the weatherman/weatherwoman always say partly cloudly? Why not partly sunny? In my book that sounds alot more encouraging, almost like looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. But, then again I suppose there are people out there that enjoy a good partly cloudy day. I am little more likely to enjoy one in the middle of summer when it brings a little hot sun relief. :) I took this picture to prove to myself that even if the weather isnt quite aware of it yet... spring is officially here. My tulips are blooming, even if they may feel like they are in the twilight zone. :)

I suppose the one good thing that has come from such unpredictable weather, is that it has allowed me to finally finish up a few sketches I started while in Oklahoma. The first being "Home Is Where Our Story Begins," I just listed it last night in the shop.

The other is almost finished, and was inspired by the current blooming magnolia trees. The third is an illustration inspired by this months Domino magazine... Sweet and Sour is the first in a series I hope to eventually add to. I ended up listing this one as well, but I promise more will follow. :)
Also, I *finally* updated my link list (located in the right hand sidebar) with my frequented stops online. Be sure and check them out, wonderful people, many with GREAT design tips. :)
In other EXCITING news: I have now sold over 100 items in my etsy shop! When I opened in January, I had not dreamed of reaching this goal quite so soon. To say the least I am thrilled! And to celebrate I will be holding a giveaway of my own tomorrow. You will only need to leave a comment to be eligible to win. My husband will randomly draw two lucky winners to win a free 8x10 print from my shop, any print of their choice. :) So... stay tuned! I will be posting the details sometime tomorrow, and the giveaway will run for 3 days... giving a few more ppl the oppurtunity to win.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cotton Candy Promises- Now listed!

Hello all! As promised, I finally got around to listing the Cotton Candy Promises set. Whew... 6 in a set is a bit much to work with. :) Glad to finally have this done!

You can also buy them individually...

Also- Was taking a peek at a few of my favorite blogs, and noticed that my sponsor spotlight is running on modish today! Thanks so much jena!

I am going to sign off with a short post today, I need to get started on dinner before my husband withers away before my very eyes! :)


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home sweet Home...

Hello everyone! Boy, does it feel good to be home and not living out of a suitcase. We got back late sunday night, I had planned to post on monday.... but ended up feeling completely exhausted mentally and physically. I had a few orders placed while I was away so I made myself get those out yesterday. But mainly, I just spent the day in my p.j.s. I didnt even start doing the laundry until today! :)

Our trip was a ton of fun, going was a little harder on my physically then coming back... but all in all it was nice! I finally got to spend some time with those nieces of mine. Too Too precious. :) Each very unique from the other, I think they played VERY well together though. While in Oklahoma our last night there, we were hearing rumors about the storm of a century rolling through. Needless to say, I was a little nervous. It POURED, the thunder woke me (which was a surprise since I didnt think I slept all night) up three times, and the lightning was constant all night. Fortunately they tell me Tahlequah usually gets missed by the tornadoes because its more hilly. It did ease my mind a "tad." But, the wind was still not a pleasant sound. :) We live more in the southern part of Washington, so we do not get the rain that Seattle or the coast gets... so my husband always laughs at me when I classify a little rain as pouring. Having been through a rain storm in Oklahoma now.... I understand him. :) JUST that night the river rose 15 ft. and roads we needed to take were flooded. In ONE night! Wow... anyhow I dont know if I will jump at the chance to travel to Oklahoma in April again. :) I liked it when we drove out in May, much better calmer weather.

Although we did have some nice weather in the high 70's when the above picture was taken. We had walked across the street to this park after eating at Sam and Ella's restaraunt. My husband on the left, and his brother had to do a little showing off... boys will be boys. :)

This is the restaraunt we ate at. Sam and Ella's. Say it fast and it sounds like Samonella's. I was a little confused at the name, but inside they poke fun at the name. Decorating with chickens everywhere. It really was some GOOD food. Pizza and sandwiches. I was teasing my husband, and said only in Oklahoma could a restaraunt be called Sam & ellas and be good. :)

On the way there I also got this SUPER sweet motel sign photographed. We passed it on our last trip out to Oklahoma, and I never got a picture. Regretted it ever since. Now that I finally have it I already have plans to digitally tweak it, and add some of my own sketching to complete a print. :) Look for that in the next couple of weeks.

So, anyhow... I did finish my road trip journal. I need to take pictures of it still, and will probably end up dedicating a post this week just for it. It was a little more difficult to keep up on it this trip. I think it was harder for me to sit in one position long enough to complete a page... so I am not as thrilled with it as I was with my last one... but oh well! :) I still love that it is done, and documents almost ALL of our trip.

Also- To anyone that knows me... you know how much I have DREAMED about finally going to an Ikea store... I have the last three years of Ikea catalgues, and believe you me... they have seen some wear. Pages bookmarked, scribbled, and countless wish lists have been made. But, I can now finally cross that off my list of places to go. Hawaii and Ireland will have to stay on a little longer I think. ;) On the way to Oklahoma we seen this ikea off the freeway just outside of Salt Lake City, I very nearly jumped out of the moving vehicle. I was begging and pleading to stop by there on our way home... when we passed a Cabellas just a mile down further... bargaining power. Now, I would like to think my husband would still have made time for us to stop in Ikea even if for just a quick walk through (if that is even possible) BUT the Cabellas sealed the deal, and an agreement was made. So, on the way back we stopped in salt Lake City for a night and was able to spend a few hours in Cabellas and a few in Ikea. My poor poor feet. Bummer of it all, we went to Cabellas first. My feet were so soar, but I was not about to let that keep me from Ikea. The store was HUGE, and a little overwhelming. We spent the first couple hours in the upstairs showroom, before I realized the downstairs marketplace was the place to be... Oh well. The NEXT time I go, I am going to be prepared! :) We are planning to make a trip to our Portland IKEA (3 hours away) to get Trin a new loft bed, and the soon to be arrival a new crib. I think it is the best way to make use of that little room. I am super excited about decorating her room. I am setting money aside now, and hope to have enough in 2 weeks. :) Thats my goal as of now. Wish me luck!

EXCITING NEWS~ The tuesday we left, I got an e-mail from poppytalk telling me I had been accepted to participate in the Mothers Day/Kids themed Market beginning the 14th (yesterday) I was SUPER excited... I mean I still am! :) My table is up and running, and the market this month really looks great. I mean it always does, but there are some of my favorite artists participating, and am thrilled to be included. If you have never taken a peek at the marketplace, now is a great time... *wink...wink*

Whew... what a long winded post! One more thing before I leave... I hope to list the Carnival prints tomorrow sometime. I still have a few more pictures I would like to take, but for the most part they shouldnt take me long. I am sorry to have drug it out so long, I really planned to list them before we left on our trip. :)

Well, thanks for bearing with me. We have dinner plans at a friends for the night, so I should best sign off. Hope you all had a wonderful warm weekend! :)
