Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Trinity now owns a pair of trendy leg warmers! She absolutely loves them. My sister custom made them for her, and I purchased them through etsy. She also has a store on etsy. She seems to really be doing good on it! A link to her store... http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=5491851 She sells the most adorable hats for your children, scarves, she does several custom orders. Right now she seems to be staying very busy creating custom labels for other fellow etsiers! :) Go Heather!


Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

oh my gosh..I opened your blog not knowing what I'd find and there is the sweetest picture ever! Is she your daughter? haha she's so cute in those pink leg warmers!
ps - it's Amanda from etsy! hi!

jessica said...

hi amanda! wow you left me my first comment! :) I feel so special... Yes thats my little girl. She is 2 1/2. My mom put them on me when I was little, so I fugured she HAD to have a pair too! :) I will have to return the favor and check out your blog!

Anonymous said...

these are too cute. and they're on someone cute, too! LOL

BanhiDancer said...

That's a whole lot of adorable in one place! Your daughter is precious, and those legwarmers are awesome! My little girl has been cutting up her old sweats to make funky legwarmers (pretty creative, heh). I'm going to show her these in the morning when she wakes up. :}

jessica said...

armouredraven- That is very creative of her! Talent must run in your family! :)

Anonymous said...

I am in love with those legwarmers! How cute are those!!

Adorable photo!! :)

saffron said...


jessica said...

glad everyone has been enjoying them. She has another example in her shop, of an adorable set.
