Saturday, July 7, 2007

Yeah for Illustrated Art!

Its finally here! :) After MUCH hard work the past few weeks, I now have completely remodeled my etsy store! I have taken out all of my promotional goodies, (but still available to my existing clientelle) and replaced them with my Art. :) It feels so good to have a blank piece of paper in front of me, and pencil in hand. I had forgotten how relaxing drawing could be!

There has been so much change in the last few weeks it will be hard to address it all! First off, I have to give a big shout-out to projectgrabbag of etsy. I have done quie a bit of custom work for her in the past, and it was her adorable softies that inspired me to pick up drawing again. From that inspiration came "project friends." A series inlcuding pirates, soft friends, and mushrooms ( gnomes coming soon :) was born. Shannon and I began a collaboration that is still in the works. You will be able to purchase my artwork on her pillows, totes, t-shirts, and onesies. This should be available by the end of july in her etsy store.

If your wondering why the direction of my store has changed... here are some frequently thought questions that should answer that question. :)

Q) Why are you no longer offering promotional custom work, like bookmarks, business cards etc. I thought you enjoyed it?

A) I do enjoy it, but lately found I was taking on more then I could handle. Custom work is very time consuming, I also HATE being paid before I complete a job... and well custom work has to work that way! It was affecting my family time, housework and my poor garden...err weed patch.

Q) Will you be taking on anymore custom promotional work in the future?

A) Feel free to contact me if you had hearted any of my items/services in the past. I can't guarantee I will be able to help you, but it doesnt hurt to ask. If you catch me at a slow time in life, I may just very well be missing doing some design work, and be able to help you. No promises though!! :)
Q) I am an existing client, and wanting to re-order, or put in a special request for a new product. Can I still?

A) I know what its like to be a complete crazy person about having everything coordinate. If your anything like me, your hearts racing, because you think there just *may* be a chance your business cards will not match your hangtags... if you have to go somewhere else to re-order. Take a deep breath, and dont worry! I like to keep my customers 110% satisfied, and last I checked leaving someone high and dry leaves you in a far from satsified mood. Just contact me, and we can work it out. :)

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