Sunday, July 8, 2007


I created my first original ACEOS today! It really was a new challenge working in such a small area... (3.5x2.5") but, was really fun! I will begin listing them tomorrow on etsy, after I can get some pictures in good lighting.

Oh, I always forget not everyone know what an Aceo is... If your one of those people, let me try and clear it up. Let me begin with a small legal disclosure:

"WARNING: collecting ACEOS can be addicting, SparksFly will not and cannot be held responsible for any injuries to your finances due to these adorable cards! This includes, (but not limited to) damage to walls, pocket books, wallets, saving accounts, or clutter issues..."

Ok, now thats out of the way.... ACEO stands for "art card, editions and originals" The only rule to an ACEO is that it be 2.5x3.5" This allows artist's to create an ACEO with just about any medium. Which makes each one truly unique! :)

What can you do with an ACEO? The sky is the limit! You can frame them, store them in photo albums, or send to friends.

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