Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Life is so much simpler when your a child...I think the most stressful part of Trinitys day was learning (all over again) to share her toys from Jada. Since Jada has been away for the last month, we have all missed her! We will miss her, as Jono and Heather move away to california this next weekend.

I offered to watch her today, hoping to make it a little easier for her mom and dad to finish packing up! Her and Trinity have been spending some much needed play time together. Even though at times it seems they bring the worst out in each other... :(

After some fairly noisy playing, I was suddeny (VERY suddenly) aware of the silence.... I quickly (VERY quickly) went to investigate, and was surprised to see them both sitting quietly reading a book in Trinitys room. Jada on the floor, and Trinity on the bed. (see middle picture above)

It looked soo staged, I had to grab my camera... of course it did not last long. But long enough for me to snap a few pictures of the memorable moment.

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